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  • Meagan Hagens

10 Benefits of Teletherapy

Does teletherapy seem daunting to you? Are you nervous at the idea of not seeing your provider in person? We have all been there. In a world where everything is online, we are slowly moving toward telehealth medicine as well. Let us ease some of your fears and show you how telehealth could actually be better than in-person therapy!

1. No need to arrange transportation to an office

As we get older, there are a number of barriers that may inhibit your ability to drive or your level of comfort when it comes to driving to new places. Alternatively, finding a friend or family member who can consistently drive you to therapy may prove challenging. With teletherapy, that is no longer a problem!

2. Participate in therapy in a familiar, comfortable environment

Being in a new environment can be distracting and uncomfortable which will limit your ability to focus and, thus, fully participate in therapy tasks. Teletherapy allows you to participate in therapy from the comfort of your own home, without the distractions of a new environment.

3. Flexible scheduling

Do you find it difficult to schedule doctor and therapy appointments? Many things must be considered such as work schedule, travel commitments, traffic getting to the office. Teletherapy allows you to schedule therapy when it is convenient for YOU so that scheduling hassles don’t get in the way of quality therapy.

4. No fatigue from traveling to a medical office

Not only is is distracting to be in a new environment, it is also exhausting to get there! By the time you get ready, get a ride or drive to the building, and find your way through the building to the therapy office, you are not starting out your therapy session with optimal energy! With teletherapy, you can eliminate many of those exhausting factors, allowing you to get the most out of your therapy session.

5. Allows integration of your home environment into treatment sessions

Since teletherapy can be provided in your home, we can utilize YOUR specific environment to help you function your best. Therapy that targets communication can involve personal communication tasks, like speaking with your significant other or preparing for a presentation at work. Therapy that focuses on cognition and safety, can address specific safety precautions within your own environment to make it most effective for you.

6. Increased accessibility for remote locations

Many people live in areas where it is not realistic to get to therapy appointments because it is such a far drive. It may be an all-day event to get to a doctor’s appointment, so it is not feasible to do that consistently for therapy. Teletherapy is a perfect solution as it eliminates the need to get to a physical clinic.

7. Does not require extensive tech knowledge

While teletherapy does require a computer with high speed internet and the basic understanding of how to use it, you do not have to be “tech savvy” to participate in teletherapy visits. As long as you can use email to join a video call, you can do teletherapy! At Premier Speech Services, we provide detailed instructions on how to log in and access your session to remove any barriers to participation in teletherapy.

8. Reduced financial burden

By the time you take time off work and consider the travel costs associated with getting to the clinic, healthcare can be costly. Teletherapy decreases that burden by allowing you to work around your work schedule (or even have therapy on your lunch break!) and not spend unnecessary time and money commuting to the clinic.

9. More consistency with therapy

Even with the best intentions, things come up that interfere with your ability to get to therapy. Maybe your ride canceled or you are starting to feel sick so you can’t get out. Maybe there is inclement weather that prevents you from getting out of your house. With teletherapy, these things won't keep you from missing important therapy sessions. This is especially beneficial for therapy programs like LSVT where consistency is truly key.

10. Reduced exposure to illness

Last but not least, not going to the clinic means not exposing yourself to potential illness. Especially after the Covid pandemic, we all know how risky it can be to go out to healthcare facilities, particularly for older adults and those with underlying medical conditions. Teletherapy allows you to get the care you need without potential exposure to illness.

There are numerous benefits to telehealth, especially when it comes to therapy services since they often occur with greater frequency and consistency than doctor's appointments. Still not sure if teletherapy is right for you? Email us for more information on how Premier Speech Services can serve you!


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